Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Leaping Lizards!! It's Christmas Time!!!

I know that every year, everyone talks about how the year has flown by. Maybe it's because, every year, it is true. It seems that as soon as you hit adulthood, our days become so busy that we need more hours on the clock, except that we would only use those hours to come up with more things we need to do. Long gone are the days when summer days were actually lazy, winter break was actually a break, or there was no need to place 1/2 at the end when someone asked us how old we were.  
Enough rambling (Wait, isn't that what a blog is?) Last week, we had some of our family from Alabama come into town. To say that things have been dull would only be true if it were opposite day. In between granny showing me the new girdle that she was currently wearing by dropping her pants in the middle of the living room, to all the children in the neighborhood taking over my house, I have actually managed to do a few sessions plus take holiday pictures of the family. Also, and this is what I am most excited about, I am almost done with the website for In case you are wondering why I changed the name of the business, it is because there is already a very popular photographer by the name Amanda Holbrook. Want to know where Taylor comes from? It is my new middle name. What was the old one? Well, tough. :) I hope that you will visit the official website upon it's completion. Also, I hope that everyone is having a very happy holiday season!